Mother of Olympic Dreams
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Fitness
  • Motivation
  • Parenting

A professional Track and field athlete specializing in the 400 meter hurdles Lashinda Demus is the current American Record holder in the hurdle event, 2x Olympian, 2012 Olympic Silver Medalist, and 2011 World Champion gold medalist. When she is not on the track competing she juggles raising her seven year twin son who are remembered for cheering on the sideline, “Go Mommy Go” at the 2012 Olympic Games.

I launched GoWomanGo in February 201 which was born out of a desire to connect with and influence women who are aspiring to find happiness, joy, serenity and strength in the midst of a complicated world that can sometimes test the limits of our mind, body and soul. At the 2012 Olympics in London, my twin boys, Dontay and Duaine, could be heard on NBC yelling, “Go Mommy GO! Go Mommy GO!” as I came down the homestretch of the 400m hurdle final. I crossed the line in second place, winning the silver medal and missing the gold by tiny fractions of a second. I was disappointed at first, having been the 2011 World Champion and American Record holder. I wanted to WIN. But my sons’ cheering and giant bear hugs they gave me when I was finished let me know they were proud of me, which is all I truly needed.

GoWomanGo is a place where I can share the lessons I’ve learned as an athlete, a daughter, a wife, a mother and a fellow WOMAN. I hope to inspire you to set goals and chase dreams, to engage with you about motherhood and parenting, to help you overcome obstacles and move past failures, and to encourage you to take special care of your mind, body and soul. I want to empower you to “Go Woman GO!!”

Talk Ideas

Reaching your Potential

Learn how to recognize your talents and gifts, and understand what they and YOU are worth. Write your OWN rules for success, instead of letting others determine your value and your path.
Supporting blog: Negotiation: Knowing your Worth
Supporting blog: What Champions Get Nervous About

Life's Hurdles

My life story and the lessons learned - training and competing as a high-level athlete at a young age, determining the path I would take as a student-athlete, failing out of college after winning an NCAA championships, making a comeback to qualify for the Olympics, getting pregnant after ending the season ranked #1 in the world, making a comeback to become the World Champion and American Record Holder and then Olympic Silver Medalist, suffering injuries, domestic abuse and other hurdles along the way. How to be a FIGHTER and always believe in yourself and your ability to learn from your experiences and bounce back.
Supporting blog: The Hard Truth: I got kicked out of college
Supporting blog: Out of despair, HOPE: a story of an unplanned pregnancy
Supporting blog: How to Handle Pain (and Stress)

Parenthood vs Career

Understand your ability to determine your choosing power. You do not have to choose between parenthood OR career - YOU choose the balance and YOU choose what your big-picture includes.
Supporting Blog: Motherhood and Career: They’re Good for Each Other

Pressure vs Nurture

We all want our kids to succeed, but what is too much pressure? What’s the right amount of expectation? How to balance pressure and expectations and teach your kids to take ownership of their success and goals.
Supporting blog: Kids and Sports: Pressure vs. Nurture
Supporting blog: I wanna be the Cool Mom, but it’s not about ME

Getting Fit Quick - The Facts not the Gimmicks

My go-to tips on how to get your body to react the way you want it to in order to get fit and stay fit, from a lifelong athlete who has won 4 World Championship medals and 1 Olympic medal (and counting).

Past and Upcoming Gigs

October 2014

Athletics and Achieving Goals

Academy of the Arts