  • Crowdfunding

A hard working, unusually creative economist, social investing advisor, and policy analyst. Inventive, original, productive. Exceptional versatility and adaptability · Superlative communication and presentation skills · Dedication and drive as a professional. In 1996, 1998, 2003 and 2006, I warned the Federal Reserve and the SEC about the possibility of system-wide economic and market failure. I work with start-ups, small business owners, pension funds, and activists.

I am the author of The JOBS Act: Crowdfunding for Small Businesses and Startups.

Past and Upcoming Gigs

August 23, 2014

How to Raise Capital with Crowd Funding

Entrepreneur Expo

National Black MBA Association
August 17, 2014

Getting your Game Funded Panel

The Video Gamers United Conference

Video Gamers United
July 25, 2014


Financial Literacy Workshop

Office of the Chief Technology Officer
April 7, 2013


H. Naylor Fitzhugh Conference

Harvard Business School
November 10, 2012

Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures Using Crowdfunding

26th Annual Black Management Association Conference

Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management