Mike Veny – founder of TransformingStigma.Com – is a sought after mental health stigma expert, keynote speaker, and professional drummer. He delivers entertaining, engaging, and educational experiences to conferences and events throughout the world.
After suffering from a devastating mental health breakdown in August of 2011, Mike made the decision to use his speaking and drumming skills to serve others. As a person who painfully struggles with mental health challenges every day, he is committed to transforming the stigma surrounding mental health into strength.
Today Mike is fiercely committed to the idea that transforming the stigma into strength starts with people taking a look at themselves. His essential message is “Stigma starts with shame. Shame leads to silence. Silence leads to self-destructive behavior and suicide.”
To see additional videos of Mike, click here.
Past and Upcoming Gigs
NAMI New York State 2014 Educational Conference
- Utica College